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3rd Sevenoaks Scouts

Group Camp

25th May 2009

What took place over 42 hours had 145 people and over 30 activities ?

Yes it was Group camp 2009.

With the weather giving us the best start we could hope for with fine sunny conditions

Cubs Scouts and leaders set up the camp on the Friday night .

On Saturday morning the Cubs built carts and the Scouts built pioneering projects.

Lunch was backwoods cooking and during freetime the Beavers joined us and then in the afternoon mixed groups of Beavers , Cubs and Scouts joined together in teams to tackle bases . With things like water transfer, clomper boards, balance beams, chopsticks , down memory lane , box towers to name but a few. The evening finished off  with a camp fire.

Sunday and up and about with the all able to take part in more activities including t-shirt printing, bungee run, laser guns, archery , laser clay pigeon shooting, assault course . The Beavers left at lunchtime tired but happy and the Cubs and Scouts continued with the activities into the acfternoon. 

Sunday evening saw the Cubs and Scout joining together to cook the evening meal over open fires . After the evening meal it was into the HQ for a talent show with all sections showing off there skills in dance ,joke telling and sketches. All this was finished off with a disco.


Monday and the weather played it's part again reminding us that it was bank holiday and we had a little rain which meant that the tents came down quickly and meant that everyone could get a game of tag rugby before the end of camp and the presentation of certificates and badges .

All had a fantastic camp and went home happy but tired.


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